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Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Abandoned Thing


    The Object, which is over twenty feet long and six feet wide is a baffling sight. I must admit I don't know what it is,It lays abandoned on a country road called Columbia In Bath County.

    One Of my Gigs these Days is delivering books to rural areas and I regularly pass this strange object on my book route .It seems it has been there for some time and I finally stopped and got a few pictures of it. Inquiries brought forth the notion that it was most likely brought there to be used as a makeshift culvert ,but for some reason instead it was cast aside in a field at the mouth of the road. It is strange since it appears so industrial looking [as if it was part of something else ]and the surrounding area is about half wilderness .It is made of sheet metal covering a steel frame and now partially tagged with graffiti .What it was originally and why it was abandoned still remains a mystery.


  1. Man i grew up right beside there on the first drive way on the right when you pass the (thing) and my grandfather has lived there all his life and no one on that road knows what it is or why its there but it makes a fun place to play when your young

    1. We never really even question this but maybe a couple times. We just always went to the covert.

    2. We never really even question this but maybe a couple times. We just always went to the covert.

  2. This thing is something I grew up beside my whole life. My grandfather lives on the first driveway on your right and it was just something we always played on and tried to make it roll out of place but that never happened.
