My Dear Readers and Followers I will say to be perfectly honest I went into this investigation with the intention of a sober expose' on a local legend and did not feel I would find anything unusual. Something rather unexpected did happen up there and my visit to Clack Mountain was certainly bizarre .
From About the mid 70's to mid 1990's There persisted this notion that a place in Rowan County KY called Clack Mountain was often the ritual site for witches or Satanic cults. I can remember this rumor coming up more than once over time when I was a high school student .Around Halloween especially groups of Kids would go up there in car loads hoping to see something sinister. I was invited a few times to go ''HUNTIN DIVL WURSHPERS'' But of course never did. I Have always been a voracious reader and knew the difference between The Diabolical and the more common Earthy Neo pagan groups such as Wiccans ,Druids et al. I assumed that was what was most likely going on up there.Finding out from reliable sources that once located on the Mountain was a Commune of Naturalists/Nudists many years ago. It is near Morehead KY and being a College Town possibly has had a few Visitors who have gone up there hiking skyclad. Such things may have had the casual Bible belt observer thinking they had seen a ritual or sacrifice about to take place.
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1925 LEE CLAY PRODUCTS manufactured clay bricks and Pipe and its source of clay was Clack Mountain via the Morehead & North Fork Railroad |
Clack Is not very far from another rocky cliff area called Lockegee Rock,which I have been going to for years but I never ended up at Clack mountain until this recent trip as seen in the pics.I never did buy the whole ''Satan thing'' either but I must point out these story's evolved out of Americas Satanic panic era. All one had to do back then was to turn on the TV and see shows Like 20/20 ,Geraldo, or a Current Affair and weekly they would do a piece on how some teenager somewhere was practicing Satanism and murdering people or sacrificing family pets .Such things were taken very seriously back in the day.
I don't hear those kinds of stories anymore about Clack Mountain but I thought it would be an interesting place to go take pictures and look into it anyway . When I arrived I could see some residences up there and from what I read on the internet people have lived on the mountain for years and have never seen anything untoward. With that in my mind I did not expect the sudden ''creeped out'' feeling I got when I reached the summit.
The Tall rocks and the view are very nice to see and I usually get energized and get good vibes when I go to such places. In this case I got that feeling you get when you think you are being watched. Strangely when I turned my back I kept hearing the sound of car coming down the nearby road but no such vehicle ever materialized.
When I got back Home I started to feel drained and ended up going to bed early .The next day I felt weak and unable to do much as If sick. It was not until the following day after sleeping almost 12 hours did I feel normal again. Maybe I was just coming down with something or maybe the place is like one of those sites with heavy electromagnetic fields .Kentucky has a lot of Iron deposits and also quartz crystals, magnetic minerals underground can alter the perception of direction and orientation. I have noticed over the years when I go to Mysterious and unusual places I will often get an unexplained rush of positive energy but in this case it was the opposite. I have always been fascinated by the idea of what the late and great Biologist and fortean investigator Ivan T. Sanderson called ''Vile Vortices''. One example being the Bermuda Triangle, however they can be on land also and are said to produce some interesting effects such as deflecting compass needles.
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I found examples of the usual Graffiti and this Devil head was looking sinister out in the middle of nowhere |

All In all Many of the rocks are still spectacular and if there ever was anything going on as far as Rituals it may have just been A pagan Group and a few self styled Want to be Satanists here and there wanting to be part of a good legend. When I look at these rocks they remind me of a Naturally occurring version of Stonehenge and would be the perfect place for those who worship nature and the earth and not the Devil.
ive went up there and felt someone watching and I kept hearing a door creek and I heard voices and I got out of there and later that night I felt heavy spirts ,, bad vibes like never before
ReplyDeleteI Know what you mean, I wont be back anytime soon.Thanks for the comment Christina.
DeleteThe creaking was probably the timbers swaying. I hear that a lot when I go into the mountains. I love that sound.
DeleteI lived on that road for about 4-5 years growing up. There is a house at the end of the road that the rocks are on. I've run go carts,shot guns,learn to drive on that road. I've never seen or heard anything but maybe a deer or two.As a teenager we would set up a little tent and camp out there,closer to the house of course.I'm very easily spooked, but was never really scared out there. Those pictures have been on those rocks for ages. I just think it's kids and the tales that they heard. I have nothing but fond memories of Clack Mtn.
ReplyDeleteHi do you know lonnie collins. Me and my 2 sisters .im charlene and becky and dellie boo..We grew up in a house on top of the mountain and we were never scared some of our best memories
DeleteYes , Charliegrl, I know
DeleteLonny Collins. Small world. I live in Morehead, We all used to go up on the mountain about twice a week & party. absolutely not scared of clack mountain. This is home to all of us. And you are spot on , The Best Memories are still with us all.
I've had many, many paranormal experiences and I also live on Clack Mountain, 10 years now. However, I myself am haunted and seem to draw spirits out no matter where I go. They don't just lurk in the dark, scary places; they're all around us just about all the time. I have had some odd feelings, seen things, and heard things. Not all bad, not all good.
ReplyDeleteI know I will never go there again! One of the worst things in my life happened there when I was sixteen years old. I'm not sure the place had anything to do with it but just maybe Clack Mountain draws evil in.....
ReplyDeleteWhat happened?
DeleteMe to
Delete"...they would do a piece on how some teenager somewhere was practicing Satanism and murdering people or sacrificing family pets .Such things were taken very seriously back in the day."
ReplyDeleteI would think that most people would take "such things" very seriously TODAY.
Robin,I don't know,look at the headlines today it is news for three days or so and then it is forgotten.
DeleteI can remember being about 10 and my cousin who was a late teen at the time coming home freaked out from Clack Mountain. Going up there as most teenagers do and they so happened upon some people performing some kind of 'ritual'; saying that they were doing something sinister with an animal. I do remember that he would not go into detail about it (with us younger kids because his mother would tell him to hush) but said he would never be back up there. From my understanding the incident was reported to authorities but if they actually checked into it would be surprise me; especialluy back then.
ReplyDeleteI went a few nights ago and didn't really see anything but I want to go back soon.
ReplyDeleteHello, just seeing if i can post without giving my name. I have a true story I'd like to tell about Clack mountain and the Morehead, Ky area.
ReplyDeleteI lived there in the early 80s when I was 11 years old, with my mom who was attending MSU. She worked at a restaurant called the Eagles Nest (not to be confused with the Eagles Nest Apts. that are there now). Anyway, many strange things happened that I can tell you about but 1 thing in particular is that a waitress that worked with my mom, disappeared one day and just stopped coming into work. I remember this vividly as the owners were friends with my mom and it was discussed in front of us kids while we were there in the break room eating after school (which happened a lot cause the owners were very dear people). So after a couple of weeks or a month went by, she appeared again to talk to the owners and she had dyed her blonde hair jet black and it looked like it had been cut with a knife. My brothers and I were eating peach cobbler with ice cream that day and witnessed all this commotion. After talking to one of the owners and leaving the office, she stormed out crying hysterically and left. The owners talked to my mom and us after my mom asked what was wrong with the waitress and they told us that she had gotten into a situation that she could not get out of unless she left the area and she needed to borrow some money to do that. They went on to say that they could not loan her money because they were closing their restaurant, so she left crying. About a month later, she was found on Clack Mt. with a drinking straw in her heart. This was told to my mom by the owners who had gotten the info from the waitress' family. It was NOT published in the newspaper or told any other way, nor were there rumors. Just the facts from her family and the owners who told my mom in front of us. They also told my mom to NEVER trust anyone in Morehead KY. Time went on and we continued to live in Morehead until one day when my mom packed us up and got a ride to mcdonalds where she (scared to death and crying)used a pay phone to call my aunt to please come and get us all. My mother was a very stable calm person and this was out of her character so we know something must have been terribly wrong. And my aunt, to this day, says that she never seen my mom so distraught as she did that day when she picked us up from mcdonalds. My brother wanted to go back and get his action figure that he had left behind in the trailer (we lived in the blue zoo (MSU husing at that time)) and my mom smacked him (which she NEVER ever did) and told him no we were not going back.
DeleteThat is just 1 of many things that I observed the 2 years that I lived in Morehead Ky and my mom is deceased now but she through the years, before she died, confirmed that this did happen and I remember vividly as well. I can tell more things that happened but this 1 is the worst by far that I witnessed.
DeleteMy grandparents lived on clack mountain I would visit on weekends and summers Summers and ran a trap line with my grandfather in the winter he owned the mines where the clay was taken from hunted everything for years never seen anything out of line but there is one family legend the a few generations back supposedly a family member made a deal with the devil to marry off all his daughters.... They all married Wallaces was the bad part hahaha
ReplyDeleteYOU forget one part of this story rowan country locals ran all the cults out of rowan
ReplyDeleteI hated Clack Mt. My Dad would take me up there while he was drunk. He would drive towards the cliffs and stop right on the edge. Just to hear me cry. I was only like 8 or 9. Then he wouls put me out for crying and tell me the Devil would find me. He would drive away and stay gone awhile. I would walk and cry. I felt so scared. Spooked to the bone. He would eventually come back and get me. I think sometimes he worship the devil. He hated ANYTHING to do with God. I lived in Clearfield right by the penecostal church. He said if he EVER caught me going there. He would hurt me bad. He was EVIL. This was in the late 50s. Early 60s. My Dad was well known for being a drunk. But drove a cab every day. So he was probably one of the evil ones on Clack Mt.
ReplyDeleteI had to Know you if u lived by the church
DeleteWho was your dad? I lived at the begining of Clack Mountain almost from birth in 1951 to 1966 and never heard anything about all this.College kids would go up there and have sex and guys would get up high on thoes big rocks and ive heard they were watching them .also lived on Lost Hill Road and ive walked for miles to go to Morehead at night and never heard or seen anything strange.Yes, there are strange drawings on rocks.
DeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteI lived right on the edge of the mountain and people would come out of the woods at night in cloak's and knocked on my door I figured I would fire a worning shot to scare them off but they just sat there and kept knocking on the door I shot through the door and the guy just turned around and walked off like I didn't shoot him with a 12 gauge. the Scariest shit I've ever seen
ReplyDeleteDruggy guy
DeleteI was there around dusk a few years ago w a guy I had been dating for a few months, never felt the least bit uncomfortable w him, but for some reason I felt the strong sense that I would be pushed from the ledge if I got near it. I usually will climb down ledges of our local cliffs away bc I like the thrill of being where not many people have been but I wouldn’t even fully look over the ledge this time. Idk if it was negative energy coming from him or just the location. I felt like I was constantly being watched & was not safe there.
ReplyDeleteI must also add that I am a practicing Satanic Witch & was over the top estactic about visiting this location due to the alleged “Vortex” fields caused by the mineral deposits. I never felt uncomfortable w the guy after that event either. Idk what came over me.
I've lived on Clack Mountain for decades and hunted and fished in Rowan County for 45 years. I wonder if there's something interdimensional going on. I've been places in the area where there's not a sound being made by any wildlife and it feels malevolent. Strange low frequency booming sounds, shadows leaning the wrong direction, colored lights in the woods and sky where they shouldn't be, my three dogs reacting to things I can't see. We who live on Clack Mountain don't talk about it to anyone else, but we've all seen and experienced things up here.
ReplyDeleteEasiest and quickest place to repel, back in the early seventies. 80 feet, varied outcrops, great fun
ReplyDeleteThere was a story my father had told me when we were visiting family in Morehead (he was born and raised there). My father told me to avoid Clack Mt., especially if I were ever alone. But the story was how a couple had went up there late at night. They began to hear noises, so the guy made the lady hide in the floorboard of the back seat. He told her not to come out no matter what. And so the girl stayed hidden in the car all night only to hear the guy scream in agony from being tortured for hours on end. She saw that it was the morning, hearing birds chirp and such. When she went to look for the guy, she found him hung by his feet from a tree, above the car. He was drained of his blood and his entire body was mutilated beyond recognition. And by the time the girl made it back to somewhere public, she was severely hysterical. It sounds like a wild story, but my father always sped up the car on the road near Clack Mt., Especially at night. My dad was a very non-chalant, calm, cool, and collected dude. But Clack Mt. Was the one thing he showed any fear of.
ReplyDeleteTerry McKinney has lived there longer then 30 years and ain’t nothing happened y’all just paranoid, nothing weird happened there except the weird people
ReplyDeleteI stay up there for two years always thought someone was watching me
ReplyDeleteSomething always brings me back up there haven't live up there for 7 years now I think there Something evil up there
ReplyDeleteI'm going back up there there things I need to do and see if it's last thing I ever do in life evil doesn't bother me
ReplyDeleteI went to MSU in the late 90’s. Since there was nothing to do in Morehead, we used to just drive around and listen to music. We drove up Clack mountain one night, parked and got out. My friend and I both got an overwhelming feeling of dread and decided to get out of there. On the way back down my car started going nuts. The headlights and interior dash lights started flashing on and off. My car had never done that before, and it never did it again after. Very weird. I always felt a darkness or bad energy in Morehead. I stopped going out to Clack mountain after a murder was committed at Lockeegee by an acquaintance of mine.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in the Bath/Menifee/Rowan county area. There are so many weird spots there. I too heard about "devil worshippers" on Clack Mtn. as a young boy. I used to hike in the woods in Menifee Co. a lot and once saw a cabin in the middle of the woods that I never found again, despite repeatedly scouring that area. My dad had a similar experience as a boy. My uncle encountered black eyed kids, before anyone was talking about them, in the Daniel Boone National Forest in the mid-'80s. They were standing at the bottom of a cliff, trying to entice him into walking over the edge. That area has a long history of violence, and I think it soaked into the fabric of reality there.